Kansas GOP Official Facebooks 'Back To Reservation' About Sharice Davids

The Kansas Republican Party isn't very nice but you knew that.

As my colleague Heather said:

Taking lessons from Orange Julius on how to drive up female voter turnout for the midterms, huh?

Democrat Sharice Davids is getting national attention for her congressional campaign in Kansas. She's openly gay, Native American, the child of a single mother, and a kickboxer.

She's also outraising her Republican opponent, and has the endorsements of Obama and Biden.

The Kansas City Star reports that Republican precinct committeeman Michael Kalny pooped the bed on Facebook:

“Little Ms. Pritchett- you and your comrades stealth attack on Yoder is going to blow up in your leftist face,” Kalny wrote. “The REAL REPUBLICANS will remember what the scum DEMONRATS tried to do to Kavanaugh in November. Your radical socialist kick boxing lesbian Indian will be sent back packing to the reservation.”

Roughly 50 exclamation points followed the end of the message.

Davids response?

Davids responded that the message “doesn’t represent Kansas values, and it doesn’t represent the values of the Republicans we know, many who support this campaign.”

The Republican candidate denounced the committeeman's comments, but yeah any moment you have to do that? It's too late. And his statement is actually what Republicans are running on. In my own district IL13, Paul Ryan's superPAC is running ads calling Betsy Dirksen Londrigan a radical socialist who will take away your Medicare.

Less than 30 days to Election Day, folks.

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