Lindsey Graham Heckled As He Claims Kavanaugh Was 'Treated Like Crap'

Lindsey Graham also tried to compare treatment of Brett Kavanaugh to treatment of Bill Clinton.

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Wednesday defiantly defended President Donald Trump after he mocked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has alleged that she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

During a discussion at The Atlantic Festival, Graham was asked how he felt about Trump’s remarks at a Tuesday rally, where he made fun of Ford’s memory gaps.

“Everything he said was factual,” Graham insisted

“Factual? It was a personal degrading attack on someone who’s a private citizen,” the moderator noted.

“No,” Graham shot back. “Here’s what’s personally degrading, ‘This is what you get when you go through a trailer park with $100 bill.'”

The audience gasped.

Graham apparently was referring to comment made by James Carville in the 1990s about women who accused then-President Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct.

“Sometimes people are accused of something they didn’t do.” Graham said. “So President Trump went through a factual rendition on Ford] that I didn’t particularly like and I would tell him [to] knock it off.”

“But it can be worse,” he added. “You can actually kill somebody’s cat and puncture their tires to get them to shut up.”

“I don’t even understand what means,” the moderator replied.

Graham explained that the comment was in reference to Bill Clinton’s scandals.

“The point is that Donald Trump could have said something even worse?” the moderator pressed.

“The point is that we’ve come a long way!” Graham exclaimed. “Whether you like it or not, I really don’t care. Here’s the point, I have seen what happened to these women in 1998 that came forward. I don’t like what the president said last night.”

The South Carolina Republican insisted that Ford was “treated respectfully” by the Senate Judiciary Committee and that Kavanaugh “was treated like crap.”

The remark earned Graham loud boos from the audience.

“Yeah, well, boo yourself,” Graham chided. “I really believe that Brett Kavanaugh is not a gang rapist, a sexual predator or a stumbling, bumbling drunk. I really believe that and I don’t care whether you believe it or not.”

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