Megyn Kelly: Why Can't You Go Blackface For Halloween?

Mrs. "Santa is White, kids!" issues another bland blond smiley denial of racism.

Pretending to be ignorant of racism, i.e. "I don't see color!" is a racist excuse.

And pretending you "don't get it" that blackface is racist and offensive and is NOT the same as an African-American woman dressing up as Diana Ross? Rascist and also stupid.

But Megyn Kelly would like very much to not be fired from her hugely over-paid job at NBC and if she's going to be fired she sure would like that Fox News job back, thank you very much.

As my colleague Heather pointed out, she is constantly auditioning for a return to Fox.

And so she pretends blackface shouldn't be a big deal and other costumes are MORE offensive and really what's the big deal?

Fellow panelist Melissa Rivers makes a plea for common sense. "If you think it's offensive, it probably is." And it's not good manners to dress up as a Nazi, anyway.


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