Mike's Blog Round Up
Daily links to great liberal blog posts...
With less than a week to go until election day, remember that every Republican must go -- vote against them all. Even if an individual Republican seems decent and doesn't personally support the party's bigotry, theocracy, and kleptocracy, by the very act of running as Republican they are signalling that they regard gay equality, minority voting rights, women's reproductive freedom, Social Security, Medicare, millions of people's health insurance, and separation of church and state as acceptable casualties in the cause of whatever Republican policies they do run on. They are still a threat, still part of the problem.
Kiko's House: Fox News is a major toxic force in our politics. It's past time to start putting pressure on its advertisers.
Darwinfish 2: "Elections should be about the triumph of ideas; not about who can set up the best obstacle course for his opponent."
We Hunted the Mammoth: There's a new whacked-out wingnut artist on the scene.
Queerloween: This election is not about choosing the lesser of two evils.
Blog round-up by Infidel753. To recommend a post, send link to mbru [at] crooksandliars [dot] com -- I do check it!