Newt Gingrich Continues To Feed Trump His Hate-Filled Talking Points On Immigration
Newt dials the fear meter up to eleven with the claim refugees fleeing political violence in Honduras are going to end civilization as we know it.
We all know Trump gets his talking points from Fox "news" and grifter extraordinaire Newt Gingrich, (who has been teaching his colleagues on the right how to disparage and dehumanize their political opponents for decades) was back this week with host Laura Ingraham, dialing the fearmongering over this caravan of refugees from Honduras up to eleven.
Now, not only is this band of refugees going to come here to take every red blooded 'Murkin's job, rape their women, while stealing and pillaging along the way (with the help of George Soros, of course), they're now also going to be responsible for the destruction of civilization itself.
Run fer your lives!
GINGRICH: And what we have to confront is exactly what that Mexican official said. If we're not prepared to stop this caravan, how big will the next one be? How many will there be? And I think this puts Democrats, frankly in a very difficult box. They don't like to control the border. They don't like to stop immigration. In fact, Stacey Abrams, the Democrat candidate for governor from the state of Georgia said she regarded the documented and the undocumented as equal, so she's basically saying, if you get here illegally, you're part of her majority coalition.
San Francisco's passed a rule that allowed people here illegally to vote. So the Democrats are now caught in that, as people watch this...
INGRAHAM: Devastating images. Look at these images. They're devastating.
GINGRICH: You talk about mobs versus jobs. You're seeing exactly the kind of mob behavior that the Democrats have led to.
INGRAHAM: But two blocks from here, newt, there's a homeless shelter. […]
They say, look, we have a lot of problems here. We're compassionate people. We do not want to feel like we're bad or horrible people because we don't want to say, anyone who wants to come in can come in. But when you see these pictures this is the proof of what no consequences for crossing into our country illegally will bring. These individuals, you can't even blame them. They know if they get a foothold into the United States Newt, what happens?
GINGRICH: Well look, they're carrying the Honduras flag.
GINGRICH: This is an invasion. This is an act of attacking the United States' sovereignty.
Well, I think actually this is the best Mexico has ever been.
GINGRICH: I attribute that to President Trump and Secretary Pompeo, but also, I think the Mexican government has realized that this is going to be a crisis. You can't have thousands and thousands and thousands of people decide to break the law and have any expectation that civilization is going to withstand it.
What Newt didn't bother to point out is that those non-citizens are only allowed to vote for school board elections in San Francisco, but hey, why let that get in the way of your lie-filled political narrative?
I'd say these two are shameful, but we all know neither one of them are capable of feeling shame.