Rachel Calls Out The Lying Liars For Their 'Support' For Pre-Existing Conditions
Republicans will lie right to your face.
It's 2018 and we're seeing this weird dynamic where Republican politicians continue to blatantly lie their asses off, saying they support coverage for pre-existing conditions, when by every action and every vote they're actively working for the contrary. That they think they can get away with this stark hypocrisy and their outright lies is nothing short of remarkable. Call it the 'Trump Effect' where you can say and do whatever you like, because the voters won't notice or care that you are lying to their faces.
Rachel Maddow listed off just a few of these villains last night, and their chicanery. Saying one thing, while doing another.
Source: Raw Story
“Republicans are desperately trying — both in Congress and in the states and through the courts — to kill coverage for preexisting conditions, that’s what they’re actively working on,” Maddow explained. “Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do.”
Maddow played a clip showing Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) claiming to support coverage of preexisting conditions.
“Actually, under Governor Scott Walker, Wisconsin is the lead named plaintiff on the federal lawsuit that would eliminate Obamacare — including specifically its protections for people with preexisting conditions, but nice try,” Maddow noted.
Maddow also played a clip of Josh Hawley, who is running for the U.S. Senate in Missouri, claiming to support forcing insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions.
“Actually, Josh Hawley is the Attorney General in the State of Missouri, who is personally handling that state’s part in the federal lawsuit to kill Obamacare, including its protections for preexisting conditions,” she noted. “But again, nice try.”
Rachel then called out some more weasels running for senate, including Florida Gov. Rick Scott, North Dakota Senate candidate Kevin Cramer, Arizona Senate candidate Martha McSally, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Nevada Sen. Dean Heller, as well as Russian congressman Dana Rohrabacher.
She concluded nicely:
Democrats are running on health care, Republicans are pretending to be Democrats running on health care, completely denying their old voting records, and what they’re actually doing right now on the subject
But then again, they're all taking their cues from this asshole.
If you want to watch the complete segment (clocking in at a healthy 25 minutes), here it is.
Link: Republicans frantic to cover record of attacking Obamacare