Trump Bullies Female Reporters At Presser: 'You Never Think'

God forbid he should actually answer a question.

Another day, another President Pussygrabber Press Conference for the Ages.

All he wanted to crow about his huge victory re-naming the Trade Agreement Formerly Known As NAFTA. These pesky reporters, man. They just wanted to ask him about the completely inconsequential fluff regarding his Supreme Court nominee who is accused by multiple women of sexual assault, and if that, along with lying under oath to the Senate might disqualify him in Mango Mussolini's eyes.

One reporter asked this very directly, and received, as usual, a completely rambling and deflecting response in which he named and (attempted to) shame certain Democrats and the media for things they have (not) done. She had the temerity to call him on it not once, but twice.

After attempt #1, he gave a slightly shorter, but still deflecting response about his own aversion to alcohol, and how his having had beer in high school should not keep a person from doing what they want to do later in life. Which again, did not answer the damn question.

REPORTER: You didn't answer my question, Mr. President. So if he did lie about his drinking, does that mean you will pull his nomination?

djt: I don't think he did. Look. I'm just saying. I'm not a drinker and I can honestly say I've never had a beer in my life. It's one of my only good traits. I don't drink. Whenever they're looking for something good, I say, "I never had a glass of alcohol." I've never had alcohol. You know, for whatever reason. Can you imagine if I had? What a mess I would be. I would be the world's worst. I never drank. I never drank, okay? But, I can tell you I watched that hearing and I watched a man saying that he did have difficulty as a young man with a drink. The one question I didn't ask is how about the last 20 years. Because nobody said anything bad about him in many, many years. They go back to high school. I graduated from high school and while I did not drink, I saw a lot of people drinking. They drink beer and go crazy and they were in high school. They were 16, 17 years old. I saw a lot of it. Does that mean that they can't do something they want to do with their life? So, it's a very tough thing. I really believe that he was very strong on the fact that he drank a lot, so I don't know where there'd be a big discrepancy.

Silly reporter...then she asked a THIRD time. It was at THAT point he finally said something true. Although I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it that way. Read on...

REPORTER: Just to wrap up, can you promise...

djt: You had enough. Hey. You've really had enough. (to a different reporter) Go ahead, please.

Oh, I can GUARANTEE she has had enough. We have AAAALLLLLLLLLLL really had enough. If only someone had told Brett Kavanaugh in his younger days when he'd had enough.

UPDATE: John Amato found this clip and it's even worse.

TRUMP: Okay, question. Yeah, go ahead. Sure. She's shocked that I picked her. She's in state of shock.

CECELIA VEGA: I'm not — Thank you, Mr. President.

TRUMP: I know you're not thinking. You never do.

VEGA: I'm sorry?

TRUMP: No, go ahead.

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