Trump Lies About Riots In California

No, Donnie. As usual, your facts are wrong.

Not many people can alienate every single minority population in the space of 30 seconds, but the not many people are Donald Trump. Thank the good lord in heaven, but it turns out occupant of the current White House has had a lot of practice.

At a campaign event for Republican Senator Dean Heller in Nevada, the Tangerine Tyrant took aim at Rep. Jacky Rosen, who's challenging Heller for his seat. For some reason, Trump brought Rep. Maxine Waters into it, calling her low IQ, and talking about imaginary "riots" in California, allegedly in response to sanctuary cities.

TRUMP: Maxine Waters. A very low IQ individual. Jacky votes against the people of Nevada every chance she gets. She votes against taxes. She votes no on better health. No on border security, and Jacky voted in favor of DEADLY sanctuary cities. I don't think they like sanctuary cities up here.

By the way, a lot of people in California don't like sanctuary cities, either. They're rioting there.

Oooooookaaaaaay. First of all, it's Representative Rosen, to you. Second of all, what was the point of bringing up Maxine Waters and calling her low IQ if not to be racist? Third of all, It is entirely possible that not all Nevadans are as racist as you seem to be, Donnie, so...FOURTH of all, and Imma gonna need you to listen carefully: There. Aren't. Riots. In. Los. Angeles. They're not dying to find ways to get out of their commitment to staying sanctuary cities and provide safe spaces for vulnerable refugees seeking safety from untenable violence. You made that up.

You know where there *IS* actual rioting and violence? Wherever the Proud Boys go in support of you. Like, for instance, this weekend in Florida, where they heckled and chased Nancy Pelosi on her way into a campaign event. Or earlier in the week in New York, where they beat up an antifa protester while the NYPD stood by and looked the other way. It's the perfect example of Trump accusing others of that which he and his cronies are guilty.

In other words, a day that ends in "Y."

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