Trump Won't Use Secure Phone -- Even Though He Knows China And Russia Are Spying On Him

Remember when Hillary Clinton used her own email server?

This video is several months old. That's how long we've known Orange Cheeto is chatting away about classified information on his iPhone because he's too lazy to look up the phone numbers.

What's new is, now we know for a fact that Chinese and Russia spies are listening. Via the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — When President Trump calls old friends on one of his iPhones to gossip, gripe or solicit their latest take on how he is doing, American intelligence reports indicate that Chinese spies are often listening — and putting to use invaluable insights into how to best work the president and affect administration policy, current and former American officials said.

Mr. Trump’s aides have repeatedly warned him that his cellphone calls are not secure, and they have told him that Russian spies are routinely eavesdropping on the calls, as well. But aides say the voluble president, who has been pressured into using his secure White House landline more often these days, has still refused to give up his iPhones. White House officials say they can only hope he refrains from discussing classified information when he is on them.

Mr. Trump’s use of his iPhones was detailed by several current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so they could discuss classified intelligence and sensitive security arrangements. The officials said they were doing so not to undermine Mr. Trump, but out of frustration with what they considered the president’s casual approach to electronic security.

Administration officials told the Times they knew the spies were listening from their own intelligence.

I'm sure there will be an immediate uproar at his abuse of classified .... oh, who am I kidding? Her emails never really had anything to do with anything, and we all know it.

Now he denies it, but of course he lies so much, it's worthless:

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