Tucker Carlson: Outrage Over Jamal Kashoggi's Murder Is A Political Stunt

Because it's all just a political stunt to get you mad at donnie-boy.

Smarty-smart Tucker isn't surprised Jamal Khashoggi was murdered by the Saudis. He wants you to know he could have told you that with his eyes closed. (pssst...Tuckie...we're not surprised, either.) He says he is confused by false outrage on the part of our rulers, though, and that this is just a stunt.

Of course they did it. We know they did it. Their only concern was getting caught Now they have been caught and they probably regret the whole thing. All of that makes sense, none of it is surprising. What is confusing is the wave of false posturing on display from our own mindless ruling class.

See, there I have to say he is right. I mean, when he talks about our mindless ruling class, he means the Republicans, right? Who is in charge of all three branches of government now? Who blocked our previous Democratic president from appointing any judges whatsoever? Who is doing everything they can to insert religion into schools, healthcare, and our bedrooms? I'm not seeing any posturing that feigns outrage over Khashoggi's brutal murder from the Republicans at all. So, yeah, I am sitting here confused. Where is the Republican outrage? Are any of them upset? What posturing is Tucker talking about?

He went on to decry the ruling class's using this as a "moral litmus test." If others aren't outraged by the same things they are, they're damned. In my head, I'm thinking, "Yup - he's still talking about Republicans. What am I missing?" Then he's talking about how much the press loves wars, and I really need my brain rearranged because I'm thinking, WHOA I KNOW THAT IS TRUE. WE ON THE LEFT WERE SAYING THAT SAME THING. IS TUCKER A DEMOCRAT NOW???

Don't worry, everyone. Carlson is still a d*ckwad. He's just a hypocrite, has crappy writers, and is confusing as crap because he has no real material point to make. That came into focus when he said this:

This is a stunt...hyped and manufactured for domestic political goals. Here are the goals.

Then he showed clips of Democrats and Independents criticizing Mango Mussolini for caring not one whit that a U.S. resident, and journalist with the Washington Post was brutally murdered by the Saudi regime. Because Democrats and other people of integrity care about freedom of the press. Something people like Tucker Carlson and the others at State TV Fox wouldn't recognize if it bit them through their hoods.

People on the left, and independent thinkers can care about more than one thing at a time. We have been screaming about the brutal Saudi regime for years, including the war on Yemen. We are capable of decrying the Chinese murder of dissidents.

Our focus at the moment is on the fact that in THIS country — the United States of America — the highest elected official in the land has made it a habit to declare rhetorical war on the press in a way that would make Joe McCarthy flush, and Joseph Goebbels proud. That for the first time, an American "president" has encouraged a crowd of thousands to laugh and cheer about violence by a politician against a member of the press.

That this mediocre white trust fund dude, the kid everyone wanted to smack in middle school, the student about whom ever teacher would say, "I wish I could buy him for what he was worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth," — Tucker Carlson — would reduce the brutal murder of a journalist who fought for a free press to a "stunt" is truly the thing that is unsurprising.

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