Voter Registrations Spike After Taylor Swift's Instagram Post
Even in Tennessee. Take that, Marsha Blackburn.

Taylor Swift's Instagram post yesterday got Republican panties in a twist, but it got a great many of her 112 million followers to visit and in many cases to register to vote.
Suck it, Mike Huckabee.
Gotta love Teen Vogue, who with the rest of Twitter dragged him.
And this is horrible news for Marsha "fake investigations into baby parts for my career" Blackburn. Buzzfeed News:
REMINDER: TODAY is the deadline for voter registration in many states, and you can check YOUR voter registration at DO IT. Here's your green-screen pep talk from Shia LeBouf! DO IT!" saw [Tennessee] registrations spike specifically since Taylor's post," Guthrie said. The organization has received 5,183 in the state so far this month — at least 2,144 of which were in the last 36 hours, she said, up from 2,811 new Tennessee voter registrations for the entire month of September and just 951 in August.
Guthrie said the site had also seen a big jump in the number of visitors since Swift's post, with 155,940 unique visitors in the last 24 hours — second only to the number of people who visited on National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 25 when there were 304,942 unique visitors. (The average daily user count for the site is 14,078 in 2018.)
"Thank God for Taylor Swift," said Guthrie.