Wingnut Welfare Recipient Star Parker Likens Congressional Black Caucus To Slave Overseers

All that's old is new again over on State-Run TV.

Now that Fox's Tucker Carlson has made the very ugly turn to the far, far right along with a good portion of the rest of his Trump-enabling network and decided to just go full on white nationalist, all that's old is new again over on State-Run TV.

Many of you may remember former welfare recipient turned wingnut welfare recipient, Star Parker, from her many past appearances on Fox, where she's said things like how horrible it is that we're feeding poor children, because many of them are obese. Or this gem, where she accused Obama of "verbal rape" at the prayer breakfast in 2015. Or this segment on Fox & Friends where she said the Confederate flag and the rainbow flag "represent the exact same thing."

And then there's this one from Sean Hannity's show in 2013, where she likened “liberal” Democrats and the Congressional Black Caucus to antebellum slave owners.

So Carlson knew exactly what he was getting when he invited her back on for more of the same on his show this Tuesday: Tucker Carlson guest: "The whole Congressional Black Caucus is similar to the overseer during slavery":

STAR PARKER: In California, for instance, you can take the driver's license test in 40 languages.

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): But, so why -- I never hear Maxine Waters or any member of the CBC mention that. Why?

PARKER: Because they are very invested in progressivism. It's their job to make sure blacks do not get any of this information. Their -- their -- the whole Congressional Black Caucus is similar to the overseer during slavery.

They had to make sure that no slave gets any information of freedom, and that's been their role for the last 50 years.

Tucker Carlson's show exists for one purpose only these days, which is to make racist Republicans afraid and to allow them to pretend they're not really racists with segments like this one. How can you be a racist when this nice black lady feels exactly the same way you do about the Congressional Black Caucus?

As I've said before, I'd call these people shameful, but we all know that none of them are capable of feeling any shame as long as those fat paychecks for spreading hate-filled propaganda keep rolling in.

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