About That Killer Romaine Lettuce

This ALWAYS happens when a Republican lowers the bar for agriculture inspection. Always.

As many of you might have noticed, country-wide, all Romaine Lettuce has been pulled from the grocery stores, all salad mixes with Romaine included. For those of us with a Caesar Salad addiction, this torpedo’ed some Thanksgiving menus. It was Romaine this time (and spinach the time before) but it could be any crop.

Anyway, Wired Magazine has a feature article up on what happened, and you might be shocked Shocked SHOCKED!!1! to learn that those onerous Obama-era regulations that Prznint Stupid proudly cut were involved and the safety of our produce will not get any better anytime soon, you know, because of reasons.

Full disclosure: in California, I was part of the first community garden in the state to use reclaimed water. The water was tested multiple times per minute, automatically. It’s not rocket science, it can be done, but there has to be political willpower (and money) to do it. So, in other words, more people will die before America will address this. It’s such a damn shame.

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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