Ann Coulter: U.S. Troops Should Invade Mexico And Shoot Migrants So Republicans Keep Winning Presidency

Fox knows Coulter is a crackpot, but they keep having her back on to spread this sort of bile again and again.

Ann Coulter’ message to Donald Trump to send troops into Mexico to shoot migrants (and prevent their children from voting Democratic) was too much even for Trump Fangirl Jeanine Pirro to countenance.

Although Fox and Trump obsess over voter fraud (despite a lack of evidence), it never seems to notice, much less care, that Coulter is a multiple voter-fraud suspect who obviously thinks nothing of voting outside her lawful precinct.. Predictably, nothing was said about that during this friendly chat, either.

Coulter revealed early on in this appearance that her issue with immigration is all about Republicans’ political power, not the good of the country and definitely not about democracy:

COULTER: Look at how close those last two elections were in Florida and Texas. If either of those ever flip, no Republican ever gets elected president again. Three out of four Hispanics in Texas are under the age of 18. So each day Trump doesn’t fulfill his immigration promises, his voters are dying off and Democratic voters, Hillary’s voters, are registering to vote. So I hope he keeps this promise. I mean, this is why we wanted a wall – so that we wouldn’t have to ask this country on the other side of the wall.

Pirro, reportedly an attorney general wannabe, defended her longtime-pal, Trump. She blamed Congressional inaction on the wall before adding, “Donald Trump has done everything he can to do the wall. He can’t build it himself.”

Funny, I thought Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall.

“His rhetoric is great,” Coulter said about Trump. Then she began to complain that troops are like Barney Fife from the old Andy Griffith Show, meaning they have guns but can’t shoot.

“They’re not allowed to use them,” Pirro noted. “You know what the legal requirement is, posse comitatus.”

But Coulter showed no more respect for that rule of law than she did for laws about voting – or homicide.

COULTER: Number one, you can’t shoot Americans, you can shoot invaders. Number two, even if that were true, OK, go one yard into Mexico.

Pirro began to object. “Ann, we can’t invade Mexico to stop them from coming in here. I mean, we’re doing the same thing unless Mexico gives us that authority…”

Before long, Pirro ended the segment.

Over the summer, Coulter’s baseless claim that weeping migrant children separated from their families at the border were “child actors” reportedly partly inspired Fox CEO Suzanne Scott to crack down on inflammatory statements on the air. Yet the very booking of Coulter since then shows how little the network really cares about such rhetoric.

So even though Pirro dutifully – and properly – ended the discussion, it’s a safe bet Coulter will be welcomed back on Fox and given yet another friendly platform, no matter what she says, again and again.

Watch Coulter get shut down by Pirro above, from the November 24, 2018 Justice with Judge Jeanine.

Crossposted with permission from News Hounds.

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