DeSantis Voter Says GOPers 'Didn't Kill Anybody' During The Obama Years So Liberals Can't Blame Trump Now

Alan Tripp explained on Sunday that he had "lived through eight years of Obama" without killing anybody and is now proudly voting for Republican nominee Ron DeSantis for Florida governor.

Alan Tripp explained on Sunday that he had "lived through eight years of Obama" without killing anybody and is now proudly voting for Republican nominee Ron DeSantis for Florida governor.

MSNBC's Catie Beck spoke to Tripp while he was attending at a rally for DeSantis on Sunday.

"What is motivating you to be here on a Sunday morning?" Beck wondered.

"My rights to vote, my Second Amendment rights, doing what's right for the country, doing what's right for the state of Florida," Tripp said.

The Florida voter insisted that he had no doubt that President Donald Trump's frequent visits to Florida were helping GOP candidates like DeSantis.

"You feel that Trump is not responsible for dividing the country as a lot of Democrats would say," Beck pointed out. "You feel that he's done a lot of good things."

"He's uncovered the divisiveness of this country," Tripp opined. "He did not do this himself. It was there. We lived through eight years of the Obama administration. We didn't riot. We didn't burn any cars. We didn't turn over any police cars. We didn't kill anyone. We lived through it. They'll live through it."

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