Don't Let The GOPers Kid You: Last Night Was A Blue Wave

We took the House, and we made them fight to the death for every single seat they kept, everywhere in the country. That's a big win, and a big blue wave.

Good morning, Blue Americans! There is SO MUCH GOOD NEWS this morning!

We all did a great job yesterday. We took back the House, and we took out a lot of really bad Republicans all over the place. Kris Kobach, people! Scott Walker!

We even have a runoff in the by-God Mississippi Senate race. And Stacey Abrams is still fighting in Georgia -- where her opponent did everything to win but poison Democratic voters.

And look at all this: SEVEN Democrats going to the governors' mansions.

Good news from all over the country:

"They can try."

Try and stop us, Kellyanne.

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