Eric Swalwell Outfoxes Fox Host MacCallum

Fox News host Martha MacCallum thought she had a gotcha last week that proved Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) wants to do nothing but harass poor Donald Trump with investigations.

Fox News host Martha MacCallum thought she had a gotcha last week that proved Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) wants to do nothing but harass poor Donald Trump with investigations once Democrats take back the House. Unfortunately for her, Swalwell turned it around to note that there are so many things to investigate about Trump, the Democrats will have to prioritize.

Funny how different MacCallum’s tone and demeanor was with Swalwell compared to her chummy attitude toward Republican Rick Scott, even as he pushed baseless suggestions about election fraud and deliberately tried to undermine democracy on the air.

While she was not rude to Swalwell, MacCallum sounded like a scold through much of the interview. I’m sure it did not escape her that Swalwell poses quite a threat to Dear Leader. Swalwell sits on both the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, he has long chomped at the bit about Trump’s ties to Russia and has recently stated he is interested in challenging Trump for the presidency in 2020.

So it was no surprise that MacCallum tried to make Swalwell out as some kind of anti-Trump hack. First, she cited one of his statements, that Democrats will not “chase every ball when it comes to the investigations” and then compared that with a tweet of his saying, “The days of presidential immunity are OVER. Gone. No more free passes to cash in on access to the Oval Office. No more colluding with Russia. And we’ll see if you’re a tax cheat. America is putting a balance of power on your abuses of power. Welcome to democracy.”

“That sounds like you’re pretty much chasing every ball,” MacCallum said accusingly.

Swalwell all but gloated as he noted that there is just too much about Trump deserving of investigation to get to it all, at least not in the immediate future: “Oh, no,” Swalwell said, smiling victoriously, “There’s a lot of balls that under any other administration that you would love to chase.” Then, before MacCallum could stop him, he quickly rattled some of them off: “Like the president’s son-in-law and his security clearance issues, a lot of the issues around the president and foreign entanglements he has. But what we do, we should prioritize as to what’s most important to the American people. If the president is making foreign policy and national security decisions because of financial interests that he has with Saudi Arabia or Russia, that has to be a priority.”

Finally, MacCallum interrupted to try to snag Swalwell with a different line of questioning: “That’s all part of the Mueller investigation,” she said. “You guys gonna double up on all that and spend your time and your money doing that again when they’ve been doing it for two years?”

“No,” Swalwell said, “and we shouldn’t do that.”

MacCallum didn’t ask any more questions about what Swalwell and the Democrats plan to investigate.

Swalwell is one of the best Democratic guests on Fox News. See why above, from the November 14, 2018 The Story with Martha MacCallum.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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