Hey Cable News: Stop Putting Election 'Protestors' On TV
The constant filming of protestors feeds into an undemocratic distrust of the election process, and has NOTHING to do with the legal and proper counting of votes.
There's a legal process by which votes are counted in an election.
Mobs of shouty protestors chanting "lock her up" is not part of that.
Thanks for pointing this out, Jonathan Alter:
JONATHAN ALTER: In 2000 as I mentioned I was down in Florida for a long time covering the recount, and they had what they had the brooks brother's riot, which were -- these were conservative Republican operatives who went and they kind of pounded the glass on the windows where people were counting votes, and they tried to use sort of political muscle to make it seem as if, you know, the public was demanding that George W. Bush win the election. They stood outside Al Gore's house, the Vice- Presidential mansion and said "sore loserman" because the ticket was Gore/Leiberman. And they tried to put a kind of street pressure on. This is the way it works in Banana Republics. We're not supposed to have street action affecting elections in our country. So we need to ignore those people. Don't put them on television. They're not relevant to this process.
KATY TUR: Okay, that's one way to do it I guess, but if you're doing a live shot down there, they're going to stand behind you --
ALTER: It's not hard to understand. What they're doing is not relevant to the counting of votes and it shouldn't be considered relevant.