Ivanka Email Story Sends Fox News 'Democrat' On An Anti-Hillary Clinton Rant

Capri Cafaro couldn't keep to the news at hand on Wednesday's Outnumbered, deciding instead to launch into a long irrelevant rant about Hillary Clinton.

What does a Fox News suck-up Democrat do when Ivanka Trump is caught using a private email account despite her father's obsession with Hillary Clinton doing the same? Why, talk about how much you hate Hillary Clinton, of course.

Although all five cohosts on Wednesday's Outnumbered panel insisted there is no comparison between Ivanka Trump's use of private emails to conduct public business they also recognized what a misstep she had made. Despite bending over backwards to give give her a pass on her ludicrous "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to!" defense. From The Washington Post report that broke the news:"Some aides were startled by the volume of Ivanka Trump's personal emails — and taken aback by her response when questioned about the practice. She said she was not familiar with some details of the rules, according to people with knowledge of her reaction."

Even Republican Congressman Sean Duffy, husband of cohost Rachel Campos-Duffy and the show's #OneLuckyGuy, called it "foolish" of Ivanka Trump to have done such a thing given how prominent an issue her father made Hillary Clinton's use of private emails during the 2016 presidential campaign. Though of course Duffy agreed there was "no comparison" to Clinton's sins.

Any Democrat worth his or her "D" would have taken this story and run with it. It's ridiculous for Ivanka Trump to claim she didn't know. And there is a question as to whether or not Ivanka exposed classified information to hackers.

But Democratic panelist Capri Cafaro spent most of her time discussing this story by going on a tear about how Clinton’s email issue “is one of the things that motivated me to be against Hillary Clinton in 2016.” She claimed to have been for Joe Biden, even though he wasn’t on the ticket. It wasn’t until the end of her anti-Hillary rant that Cafaro called it an “amateur” move by Ivanka but not “necessarily the same.”

Sadly, this is just the kind of behavior we have come to expect from Cafaro. She's the same Fox News "Democrat" who attacked her own party over its handling of the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court. She also helped Fox News discredit Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford. Cafaro also used Trump's withdrawal last spring from his summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-un as an excuse for a deceitful attack on Nancy Pelosi.

Watch Cafaro prove her willingness to throw overboard any Democrat or Democratic interest to curry favor with her Fox News peeps above, from the November 21, 2018 Outnumbered.

Republished with permission from Newshounds.us

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