Kid Rock Preaches 'Love Everybody' - 'Except For That Joy Behar B*tch'
Fox and Friends had to apologize profusely -- for the swear -- but what Kid Rock said was absolute lifeboat building as the Trump ship goes down.
Kid Rock was all about preaching kum-ba-yah and civility with Steve Doocy.
We should all get along, set aside our differences, have a beer together...
Because of course a little misogynistic joke is hilarious, right?
Steve Doocy sported a purple jacket be-dazzled for the Kid Rock concert?
And then Kid Rock wants us all to get along. Of course he does, because the Trump ship is going down.
Watch for more of this "let's all get along" nonsense as it becomes more and more obvious that Fox News and the Republican Party sold the United States to the Russians in exchange for political power.
It's when things get bad for Republicans that DEMOCRATS are supposed to be both forgiving in the name of national unity, and forgetful as the GOP rebrands itself into the latest Tea Party/"constitutional conservative" lifeboat.
No forgive and forget for attempting to take away health insurance from millions, for babies in cages, for undeniable racism and voter suppression, and for selling out the USA (but Ivanka's emails!) to Vladimir Putin.
We won't have a beer with y'all, Kid Rock. Bitch.
UPDATE: Joy Behar responds: