Media Fail: Politico Buries The Lede In Utah Dem Win

What the hell, Politico? Your "coverage" of the Utah House victory for the Democratic candidate, Ben MacAdams? Made it all about who lost. Mia Love is not the story here. #Fail

[Editor's note: to compensate for the Politico fail illustrated below, we're giving free ad time to Ben MacAdams above. After all, he won Utah's Fourth Congressional House Seat.]

Watch how "Tiger Beat on the Potomac" (Thanks, Charlie Pierce!) frames the news for us:

From Politico https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/20/rep-mia-love-loses-to-democrat-in-utah-1009545

It’s really maddening.

The Democrat, Ben McAdams, won a seat in Utah(!), but Tiger Beat on the Potomac (thanks Charlie) didn’t see that as newsworthy, just that Love lost. They didn’t frame it as proof of a Blue Wave, just that Love lost. They didn’t even include a picture of the winner.

We make a lot of inside jokes in "Mock Paper Scissors" headlines, but it's a blog and not a professional journalistic endeavor. Even non-Journalism School MPS knows that the headline should have been: Dem McAdams Beats Love in Utah.

Headlines 101: Who is the actor, what is the action.

Or, as one lone guttersnipe spitballed last night on the Twatter,

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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