Mike Pompeo Isn't All That Bothered By 'Mean And Nasty' Saudis Who Killed Khashoggi

Hey, the world is just a "mean and nasty" place. As long as America makes bank, who cares who gets hurt along the way?

Mean and Nasty.

It's what you call the 5th-grader who follows your 3rd-grader home and knocks her books out of her hands.
It's what you call a cat who hisses at you when you try to give him a treat.
It's what you call Justin Verlander's slider.

Luring an American resident and Washington Post journalist to an embassy on an ally's soil, on the premise of his needing some papers for his pending nuptials; then having 15 men torture him by chopping off his fingers, strangling him, decapitating him, and cutting him up with a chainsaw; carrying his dismembered body out in plastic bags, then denying they had anything to do with his disappearance? All because he wrote some articles challenging the policies of the country's Prince?

Only people with the tiniest brain would describe that as "mean and nasty." Only people with dead and shriveled souls describe such unspeakable inhumanity as "mean and nasty." Only people who had sold their conscience in exchange for favor with their own fascist leader would minimize such butchery as "mean and nasty." Only people who are perfectly fine with our alleged "allies" continuing to torture and murder our residents and their citizens — as long as America gets its money — would call Jamal Khashoggi's murder "mean and nasty."

Friends, I give you, our Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

REPORTER: Thank you so much. Mr. Secretary, based on the the president's statement, moving forward, relations with Saudi Arabia won't be affected by the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, and how can you differentiate between the Kingdom and the Crown Prince?

SEC. POMPEO: Yeah. So it's a mean, nasty world out there. The Middle East in particular. There are important American interests to keep the American people safe, to protect Americans. Not only Americans who are here, but Americans who are traveling and working, doing business in the Middle East. It is the president's obligation, indeed the State Department's duty as well, to ensure that we adopt policies that further America's national security. So as the president said today, the United States will continue to have a relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They're an important partner of ours. We will do that with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its people. That is the commitment that the president made today. It's that straightforward. By the way, this is a long, historic commitment and one that is absolutely vital to America's national security. We are determined to ensure that we continue to make sure that we take care of the American people in all of the strategic decisions we make about with whom we work around the world.

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