Roger Stone's Text Messages Are Yuuge Problem For Trump

Roger Stone and Randy Credico were texting each other about Wikileaks and the DNC emails weeks before they were released. It's down to NOT IF, but which one of them was talking to the Trump campaign.

But their texts!

Roger Stone and Randy Credico are in a heap of trouble. NBC News has obtained text messages apparently FROM Roger Stone, between him and Credico, that prove they both knew about the Wikileaks dump of Democratic National Committee emails at least a week before it happened.

The question is not "if" they told the Trump campaign about it, but which one of them told.

And Stone released these texts to NBC. If Mueller has not seen them yet, Stone is in violation of his subpoena.

This appears to be a battle between Credico and Stone as to which of them "takes the fall" for the prior Wikileaks knowledge.

But they both could be guilty, and "crooks turning each other in" has a way of benefitting no one but the prosecutors. NBC News:

Special counsel Robert Mueller has been investigating whether Stone had any advance knowledge of WikiLeaks' plans to publish Podesta's emails, according to people familiar with the investigation. Nearly a dozen Stone associates have been summoned by Mueller to appear before his Washington grand jury, the sources said.

The text messages obtained by NBC News appear to show that Stone and Credico exchanged messages about Assange having damaging information about Clinton at least as early as Aug. 27, 2016. The texts show that at 6:07 p.m. that day, Credico wrote to Stone, “Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary.”

Stone did not appear to reply to that particular message but the conversations ramped up over the following weeks.

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