Sen. Sherrod Brown Takes A Shot At Big Pharma's Advertising Deduction

And of course cable news is happy to take those advertising dollars.

Sherrod Brown was a guest on Morning Joe today, probably because he's a strong progressive who just won reelection in Ohio.

"You know what's important to people regardless of their party, infrastructure, health care costs, things like that. education for their children. You know what it's like because you live an ordinary life in Ohio," Mike Barnicle said.

"When you stand in line at the drugstore and look at the shock on people's faces when they are confronted with the co-pay for their prescriptions that are so phenomenally expensive, what can to be done on that that you think might have a bipartisan shot of passing?"

"I think there are a number of things we should do. First of all, we should negotiate drug prices directly with the drug companies," Sen. Brown said.

"One of the things we do at the Veterans Administration --and obviously, today we celebrate Veterans Day. I appreciate earlier what Andrea and David said about General Mattis and troops at the border and honoring the men and women in uniform today and those who served our country. But we negotiate drug prices on behalf of veterans directly with the drug companies. We ought to do that for Medicare because a big part of what's driving health care costs is the cost of prescription drugs. We should allow -- we should be able to purchase drugs on the open market as long as those countries around the world have an FDA equivalent as Canada does and a number of countries do.

"So there are a number of things we can do. We should not allow the deductibility of drug company advertising. Why should taxpayers subsidize -- no offense, because of the time of day it is, but of all the drug company ads on the Morning Joe show."

You tell 'em, Sen. Brown!

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