Study: Men Supporting Trump Suffer From Fragile Masculinity

A recent study concludes that men who support Trump are deeply insecure about their masculinity. Did we need a study to know that, though?

Numero Uno: “Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood.”

Seriously, y’all, the Washington Bygawd Post did a story Thursday telling us there’s now semi-scientific proof that men who are “secretly insecure about their manhood” just love Donald Trump.

No shoot, Sherlock, except I don’t see a damn thing about "secretly." Have you seen these men at Trump rallies? Honey, either they are older than rocks or totally unjumpable. The young ones are men who don’t get to participate in ya-ya. No joyful mattress thrashing in their lives.

Good Lord – next they’re going to have a study to see if Republican women are just mean. Let me save them the trouble: Yes. Yes, they are mean-spirited people.

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