Ted Cruz Tries, Fails In Attempt To Trade Insults With Triumph The Insult Dog

Ted Cruz tries to spar with Triumph when he should have played it straight -- like Beto O'Rourke did.

Never try to beat a comic at his own game, Ted.

Last night, Triumph The Insult Comic Dog got some face time with Beto O'Rourke and Ted Cruz. Beto played it straight without stepping on Triumph's punchlines.

"Tell me, does it concern you that half your base thinks they can vote for you through Instagram?" he asked Beto.

"Yeah. it's going to have to turn into real votes, but we're seeing a huge voter turnout so far," Beto said.

"But i'm worried about these vote machines changing Beto's name to Cruz. Tell me this, with the uncertainty surrounding these voting machines, is it important for Democrats to go out there and vote twice?"

Beto sidestepped the trap. "Vote once. That's the law."

Cruz, not so much.

"Can you tell these people not to kill me if I make a joke or two?" Triumph prodded.

"That depends the how bad the joke is. Just remember, it wasn't the Republicans, it was the Democrats who took you you to the vet to get fixed."

Triumph retorted, "I support spaying and neutering, just like Trump did to you."

Rim shot!

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