Tick-Tock, Trump And C&L's Video Server Fundraiser

Happy Friday! And thanks for donating a few bucks to our video server fundraiser...

Happy Friday and thanks for tossing a few bucks into Crooks and Liars's Video Server Fundraiser...

It's been quite a week what with the Cohen revelations. There's much more to come as Mueller continues his investigation and the House turns blue and starts investigating the Trump administration, including cabinet members, for real.

We're also hoping for House Ethics panel investigates what the heck Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan were texting to both the White House and Fox News. Obstruction of justice AND leaks of classified intel? Just asking the question...

All of the televised events will be available here at Crooks and Liars via our own video server. Video servers cost money but they preserve history. Thanks to C&L you have a searchable archive of everything we cover.

Here's our favorite video of this week, where former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman's legal opinion of Jerome Corsi is "liar, liar, pants on fire."

That video will be available for your enjoyment any time Corsi's name enters the news flow.

Five bucks (either as a one-time donation or even better, check the monthly option) makes it possible for us to keep bringing you searchable videos. Thanks for all you do.

or send a check to

PO BOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066

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