Trump Shames Republicans Who Didn't Kiss His Ass

Some Republicans in swing districts didn't want to be associated with Trump. Today, he called them out, by name.

During Trump's presser today he classlessly noted, by name, some Republican representatives who lost last night, implying that their failure to kiss his...ring, led to their downfall. These were Republicans who were in tough swing districts and decided not to hold a rally with him or use Trump in their ads. Remember folks, elections are always about Trump now.

What an asshole.

Source: NBC News

President Donald Trump trashed losing Republican candidates who had distanced themselves from him during the midterms at a White House press conference Wednesday.

"Mia Love gave me no love, but then she lost," Trump said of the Utah Republican who failed in her House re-election bid Tuesday. "Too bad."

He listed several other GOP lawmakers he said rejected his "embrace" before falling to Democratic opponents: Reps. Carlos Curbelo in Florida; Mike Coffman in Colorado; Peter Roskam in Illinois and Barbara Comstock in Virginia, among them.

Trump had also given shout-outs to lawmakers who requested — and got — his support before winning. He name-checked victorious Reps. Andy Barr of Kentucky, Mike Bost of Illinois and Rodney Davis of Illinois.

Those who didn't wanted the president around "did very poorly," Trump said.

A Republican who retired rather than kiss Trump's ass was equally blunt today.

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