Trump's New Acting AG Has More Reasons To Recuse Than Sessions Did
So many reasons Matthew Whitaker should not be Attorney General, beginning with his conflict of interest with Sam Clovis.
Looks like trump's pick for Acting Attorney General will fit in very nicely with his administration and family. Gaslighting, lying, projection, conflicts of interest — Matt Whitaker's got it all!
Watch and listen as he tries to act like the campaign is not at all interested in pushing the conspiracy theory that it is not trump, but HILLARY CLINTON who is colluding with the Russians, and that Don Jr. was perfectly above board when he met with the Russian lawyer in Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary Clinton.
What happened here is this lawyer used a pretext to get a meeting with, you know, some important campaign officials to really talk about the issue she wanted to talk to which is getting rid of this U.S. Policy regarding adoptions and used the, you know, quite frankly, here in Iowa, we call it a BS excuse of saying she had opposition research and, listen, nobody is talking about what that opposition research is because we all agree it's ludicrous. The fact Russians are funding the DNC and helping Hillary Clinton, no one is advancing that. And Don Jr. , when he heard that, certainly dismissed it quickly as based on what he said. And I think, you know, sort of to suggest there's a conspiracy here. You'd always take that meeting. You'd always have someone take that meeting to try to get the information.
Check out the look on that CNN host's face as Whitaker talks. The look of mild disapproval turning to full-on disgust at his innocent "Who, US? We would NEVER believe or spread lies or conspiracy theories about Hillary." Why, that mean ole Natalia Veselnitskaya tricked them, Whitaker insisted, with her BS excuse of wanting a meeting to give us Hillary dirt, when what she really wanted was to influence US policy on Russian adoption! THOSE MEAN RUSSIANS!
But it's when Whitaker claims, "You'd always take that meeting!" that the poor host could not keep her mouth shut - she said, incredulously, "You'd ALWAYS take that meeting?"
As Nicolle Wallace pointed out, he either knows nothing about campaigning, because you'd NEVER take that meeting, or he is lying about the campaign's intentions going into the meeting. Either way, it's not a great look for the Acting Attorney General of the U.S.
For the record, the campaign advanced that conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton colluding with the Russians plenty of times. In fact, they are STILL advancing it - as recently as October 10 of this year, at a rally in Erie, PA.
Surprise! Whitaker has no problem with this...
In other news, he has already opined frequently and publicly on the Mueller probe, always to denigrate it and defend the target and his family. Media Matters put together a list of seven times Whitaker questioned the validity of Mueller's probe, or advised the "president" not to cooperate with it.
He was on the board of World Patent Marketing - a company that scammed would-be inventors out of millions of dollars. When clients tried to communicate with the company's owner, guess who wrote the letters threatening payback? Whitaker. He would threaten them with civil and criminal action if they so much as contacted the Better Business Bureau with complaints about WPM. The FTC shut the company down.
The icing on the cake? Mark Whitaker is chummy with Sam Clovis - one of Mueller's grand jury witnesses in his investigation. So chummy, in fact, that he ran one of Clovis' political campaigns.
So, that's your new Acting Attorney General, friends. A sleazy, incompetent, projecting, liar, with conflicts of interest coming out of his wherever. As I said, he should fit right in. Can you spell "RECUSAL?"