What Ever Happened To The Farmer's Bailout Over Tariffs?
Did Donald Trump just pull another Trump University on America's soybean farmers?

Hey guys, remember last summer when Prznint Art of the Deal’s E-Z-to-win Trade Wars meant that he was going to give a $12B Amero bailout to farmers in the heartland?
You know, Trump Territory?
Remember when the Possum Hollar said that they wished that instead of payouts that our stable genius would revise his trade policies? Haha, good time, huh?
But Possum Hollar also kinda-sorta expected the actual $12B free Ameros from Prznint Stupid—insulting as it was, and please insult me some more—to show up in cold hard cash (unmarked, non-sequential bills snuck out of the Human Typo Steve Mnunchin’s Federal Reserve, as if he could get them past his Bond villainess wife Craven Moorehead), you know, given the dog & pony show he made when he announced it. Possum Hollar also sorta understands that they are his key to winning the 2020 Goat Rodeo, too, so show them the cheddar Donnie, amiright?
A $12 billion bailout program Mr. Trump created to “make it up” to farmers has done little to cushion the blow, with red tape and long waiting periods resulting in few payouts so far. According to the Department of Agriculture, just $838 million has been paid out to farmers since the first $6 billion pot of money was made available in September. Another pool of up to $6 billion is expected to become available next month. The government is unlikely to offer additional money beyond the $12 billion, according to Sonny Perdue, the agriculture secretary.
The program’s limitations are beginning to test farmers’ patience. The trade war shows no signs of easing, with China and the United States locked in a stalemate that has reduced American farmers’ access to a critical market for soybeans, farm equipment, and other products. Europe is planning more retaliatory tariffs on top of those already imposed on American peanut butter and orange juice, and Canada and Mexico continue to levy taxes on American goods, including on pork and cheese.
Just FYI, through mid-October, soybean sales to China declined 94 percent. The $12B doesn’t cover their losses, and he’s stiffed them, like common Trump Company sub-contractors.