2018 Crookie Award: Brett Kavanaugh

Guaranteed to turn our stomachs for then next 40 years, at least, Angry White Man Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed and sworn in as a Supreme Court justice after dragging the woman he allegedly assaulted across hot, fiery coals.

Above, we have the only good thing to come of the monster we endured this year in the form of Brett Kavanaugh's hearings and SCOTUS confirmation. Matt Damon just killed it on SNL in a scathing and brilliant impersonation, and gave us the chance to laugh during the darkest of dark times. No matter how cynical or knowing the laughter, it's relief and release nonetheless.

In addition to Kavanaugh's "alleged" sexual assault on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, (which technically may not even be eligible for this year's Crookies, since it happened in high school,) he gave us many other opportunities for nomination just during the confirmation process itself this fall.

We have Kavanaugh's extremely ranty opening statement, wherein within seconds practically every assaulted person recognized their abuser and thought, "don't EVER give that guy a beer..." It was the epitome of a privileged white man pissed off about the possibility that his transgressions might actually have consequences — for HIM, no less!

We have the stellar moment where he showed his extremist, Handmaid's Tale proclivities, claiming birth control was the same as "Abortion-Inducing drugs":

There is his despicable treatment of Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar, who attempted to gently empathize with him about alcoholism, and the difficulty of acknowledging the problem of addiction, to which he responded with shouting and abuse:

But the worst — THE WORST — moment? The one that showed him to have the soul of a rotting cockroach, was the moment at the start of the hearings when Fred Guttenberg, the father of Jaime Guttenberg, who died in Parkland High School shooting, extended his hand to Kavanaugh for him to shake. Kavanaugh, that rat-bastard, looked Guttenberg straight in the eye, said not a word, spun on his heels, and ran the hell in the other direction.

Enjoy your 2018 Crookie, you POS.

Ed. Note And after all of this, media fed us bowlfuls of bullsh*t about how the Kavanaugh hearings energized the right, and would cost Democrats the midterms, or had somehow cost them the Senate, as if Dems weren't facing the worst Senate map in 100 years. Republicans were expected to win a SUPERmajority. In the end, they gained one more seat than they had after the 2016 debacle. Spare us the guilt over fighting the way we should have.

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