A.B. Stoddard Cuts 'Lying' Giuliani No Slack: 'He Knows Better'

The Real Clear Politics editor told Hallie Jackson Giuliani's PR was doing its job for trump.

How many people have listened to what Rudy Giuliani says in defense of Trump, and said some variation of the following:

  • "He's completely lost it."
  • "He doesn't know what he's talking about"
  • "He doesn't know how the law works."
  • "Take your meds, Giuliani..."?

Well, A. B. Stoddard is here to tell all of us it's a big show. It's part of Trump's PR extravaganza, and every time we buy into the "addled old man" routine of "America's Mayor" we're falling for it.

Rudy Giuliani actually DOES know what he's talking about, which is another example how willing people are to corrupt themselves in service to Trump, because Rudy Giuliani is lying. He knows better. He knows every single one of these infractions that are just fine and get passed over, or maybe you pay a fee for or fine for, and what are crimes. He knows all of this. But he continues to spin that everything about the Mueller probe is illegitimate.

So the president's team has made it sound repeatedly as if Mueller is on a deadline. He is not. As if we already know what's being investigated, and we do not. They want people to believe that it's overdue and Mueller is looking around on the floor for things like paper clips that might incriminate Trump, but that he really doesn't have the goods. Tip — Iceberg. We have no idea how big this iceberg is. What we have learned time and again from Mueller is we have no idea what he working on.

What we do know is, every time we see a revelation in these court documents, doors are opening. They are not closing. It seems like every door he opens, there's six more. This will go well into 2019. That scares the president's team. But they want us to believe that Mueller has blown it, and that we know everything he's looking into, and that's simply not true.

That's the crux of it, isn't it? How willing people are to corrupt themselves in service to their orange overlord. And why? Why are they so willing? What is in it for them? Is it all in service to him, or to the NRA, or by unwitting or witting association, to Putin? One thing is for sure. It is ALL in the service to maintaining their own power, and their own supremacy over racial, gender, religious, and ethnic minorities. And if either Trump, the NRA, or Putin is the best vehicle, Giuliani, Mulvaney, KellyAnne, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mike Pompeo, and countless others are more than willing to jump on that train.

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