BREAKING: Mueller Recommends Little Or No Jail Time For Michael Flynn

The much anticipated memo has dropped, and Robert Mueller has asked the court to consider the many investigations Flynn has cooperated with.

The Flynn sentencing memo has dropped.

Full filing

It notes that he has "assisted with *several* ongoing investigations, a criminal investigation (remainder of sentence redacted)." How intriguing.

It also notes that he participated in 19 interviews - which is A LOT. It also said that both Flynn and the government "agree that sentencing at this time is nonetheless appropriate because sufficient information is available to allow the Court to determine the import of the defendant's assistance to his sentence" which means he GAVE IT ALL UP.

The really interesting part is section B: Flynn has also assisted with "links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign." THAT IS A BIG SENTENCE. It mentions interactions between transition team and Russia, Almost that entire section is redacted - why? Who else are they talking about besides the transition team?

That is substantial cooperation, although we do not know what he actually told the investigators because basically every other line is redacted. It also seems like they are recommended little to no jail time.

Karoli adds: This is episode one of the Mueller files. Episode two, which is likely to be more detailed, will be on Friday when Mueller's office will be explaining all of the different ways Paul Manafort lied to the Office of Special Counsel.

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