Even Chris Wallace Is Calling Out Trump's Fox Interview Lies

Wow, even Fox News viewers must be getting hit hard with reality, lately. Chris Wallace spelled out actual truth about what Cohen's cooperation portends for the so-called president.

It's getting harder and harder for the people at Fox News to defend the Sentient Orange Jello Cup occupying the Oval Office, but grudging kudos to Chris Wallace for going even further. The Fox News reporter flatly debunked and destroyed the lies slimed onto Harris Faulkner about Michael Cohen and his role in the 2016 campaign. In a post-mortem with Dana Perino, he said:

Let’s just try to break a little bit of it down. For instance, Michael Flynn, the president says, you know, Mueller says he lied, Flynn says he didn’t lie, but what he neglects to mention is that the president fired him three weeks after he became the National Security Advisor. Why did he fire him? For lying. For lying to the vice president, Mike Pence about the conversation that he had with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, and whether or not sanctions came up. So the president fired for lying the man he now defends against lying, Michael Cohen.

(Let's be clear. We all know that even that first lie is a lie - he didn't fire Flynn for lying to the VP, he fired Flynn because he had to and the jig was up. Try to keep track, here.)

Wallace went on to deflate Trump's continued claim that Michael Cohen was just a low-level employee, finally declaring decisively that Cohen was his fixer. His right-tiny-hand man. Cohen didn't do anything without Sentient Orange Jello Cup's say-so. Especially given Cohen's slavish loyalty to his orange master.

What I really enjoyed about this discussion (not that you asked) was when Dana Perino asked if Wallace thought, from what we were learning from this sentencing and pleas, that Mueller was close to finishing up his investigation, and Wallace was like, "Pffft. No."

The only reason we're at this particular state right now is because these cases were gonna be heard in court. The judge had scheduled a sentencing for Manafort. He'd scheduled a sentencing for Cohen, and so those came up. And now I hear people suggesting, "Well, the Special Counsel is off the whole question of collusion and obstruction of justice, and he's talking about campaign finance." No, it's just that these are the issues that are up before the courts right now. There's NO indication that Mueller isn't still focusing on collusion and obstruction of justice. Not to say that he's got evidence, hard evidence of that, we haven't seen that, but there's no indication that he's gotten off that subject.

Is Fox News no longer the place disconnected and kool-aid drinking racists can go to find comfort? Apparently not, if Chris Wallace is around...he ended the segment with this ominous warning...

One more point about Cohen that I'd like to make. In Cohen's statement, in the filing statement, that Mueller wrote, he said that Cohen, who had pled guilty to lying to Congress, had conversations with people in the administration about the tactics before he lied to Congress.

Wallace said if Cohen had proof of that conversation, (and we do know that Cohen recorded everything...) we'd have to see who that official in the administration was. That official would be guilty of obstruction of justice. IS THERE NOWHERE FOR CRIMINALS TO HIDE ANYMORE???

One can only hope.

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