Conservative Max Boot: 'Trump Acquired His Office By Fraud'

"There's no question the president's legitimacy is in question," the Trump critic said.

Conservative writer Max Boot on CNN's New Day was on with John Berman and Erica Hill this morning. Hill said, "Back in August, you wrote it does seem like a lifetime -- and Tuesday feels like a lifetime ago and it's only Thursday. You had said at that point, this makes Donald Trump an illegitimate president. But you're saying now you think the DOJ is saying that."

"Yeah, absolutely," Boot said. "If you read the sentencing memo issued by the Southern District of New York, they were talking about the gravity of this offense that was committed by Michael Cohen on behalf of Individual 1, aka the president of the United States, and that this goes to the very sanctity of our political process, that this is information the voters needed to have and that they kept away from the voters via process of fraud.

"Yes, I think there is no question that the president's legitimacy is called into doubt. Because essentially, he committed a fraud on the people of the United States in order to win this election, and it wasn't just the fact that he was hiding his affairs with the Playboy playmate and the porn star, there was a lot of other stuff that he was hiding, like the fact that he was pursuing the real estate deal in Moscow even as he was clinching the Republican presidential nomination. Imagine if we had known the Trump high command on June 16th was meeting with a representative of the Kremlin offering dirt on Hillary Clinton right before Wikileaks, which is a Russian front operation, actually started leaking dirt on Hillary Clinton. I mean, do you think that Donald Trump would have won? He barely won anyway. He was only 80,000 votes in three states.

"This is a president who acquired office essentially by fraud and is now keeping office because of the immunity his position confers."

As one of the major boosters of the Iraq war, Max Boot has a lot to atone for. But he's been a consistently strong voice against Trump, and it's a good start.

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