Donald Trump Blames Democrats For Dead Migrant Children

It's hard to imagine someone openly being as reprehensible as this, but that's Donald Trump.

The danger of the dearth of "adults" minding the Man-baby-In-Chief during the government shutdown and holidays (since Melania has jetted back off to Florida to remember they have a young son), is that no one is there to distract Donald Trump from tweeting his crotchety demented old man thoughts.

But really, faced with the reality that at least two children have died while in the custody that he ordered, following a policy that he demanded, administered by people he hired, who could Donald Trump plausibly blame for such a tragedy?

The Dems, of course.

Leave aside that the wall will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS, what kind of disgusting troglodyte takes the tragic and unnecessary deaths of two children in United States federal protection to use it for a cheap partisan shot?

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