John Dean Says The House Has To Start Impeachment Proceedings Now
John Dean, of Watergate fame, firmly believes that the House of Representatives will have no choice but to begin impeachment proceedings based on what prosecutors allege about Michael Cohen.
John Dean, former White House counsel from the Watergate era, predicts that the House of Representatives will have no choice but to begin impeachment proceedings based on the latest SDNY and Mueller filings regarding his criminal activity and the role Donald Trump played in his crimes.
BURNETT: John Dean, we are at a point, if you look at that filing and you say that this is a felony, campaign finance violation, and the President knew about it and directed it, that, again, is a new stage here to be so formally at that point, right? This is a court filing in which that is the clear implication.
DEAN: That's true and that's exactly what Michael Cohen said in court when he pled. He -- in his allocution, he implicated Trump directly, the payments were made for his benefit. I don't know that this will forever disappear into some dark hole of unprosecutable Presidents. I think it will resurface in the Congress. I think what this totality of today's filings show that the House is going to have little choice the way this is going other than to start impeachment proceedings.
Will the House act once Democrats take control in a month? Nancy Pelosi has a dilemma and a responsibility. On the one hand, Democrats did not campaign on impeaching Trump and on the other, they have a Constitutional duty to begin those proceedings, regardless of whether the Senate will try him or not. Time will tell, but it appears that they odds are even worse for Donald Trump today than they were yesterday.