John Kelly Drags Donald Trump During His Exit Interview

General John Kelly walks out of the White House with his reputation in tatters and this interview with the NY Times doesn't do him any favors

John Kelly, USMC General and Patriot, walks out of the White House a disgraced and debased man. In his 17-month tenure as Hair Fuhrer's Chief of Staff, he showed himself to not only support Trump's racist and hateful worldview, but to actually possess them himself. Remember his vile comments about Rep. Frederica Wilson? And how about those despicable comments about kids ripped from their parents at the border being placed in "foster care or whatever". (HINT: They were placed in children's concentration camps and so far, 2 have died that we know of).

The Los Angeles Times published an interview Sunday that shed light on some of Kelly's real views.

First topic: THE WALL. Spoiler: Kelly says that The Wall is actually NOT a wall and has not been since “early on in the administration.” So what is it? A fence? A shower curtain? And who has known that is not A Wall and why is Trump still ranting (see @realdonaldtrump Twitter feed) about it being A Big Beautiful Wall. HAS NO ONE TOLD HIM?

Second topic: Poor Kelly whining about the job. Apparently, Kelly was known to tell his aides that he had the “worst job in the world" and that Trump was "not up to role of President," a statement that shocks no one.

Third topic: Kelly trying to make himself sound like some sort of hero for not letting Trump engage in terrible things. Yes, he really thinks that he deserves credit for not buying into his most base impulses. YOU MEAN IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE THAN KIDS DYING IN CAGES?

Fourth topic: Kelly slinging mud at Jeff Sessions. He blamed Sessions for the "zero tolerance" border policy that led to kids being placed in cages: “What happened was Jeff Sessions, he was the one that instituted the zero-tolerance process on the border that resulted in both people being detained and the family separation.”

So blame the one person who isn't in the administration and cannot defend himself, classy move, John. What about the head of Department of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, who has chosen to enforce this barbaric policy versus refusing to inact it? Saying you were "just following directions" didn't work for the Nazis after WWII and I doubt it will work for anyone in the Trump Administration.

Final topic: The Muslim Travel Ban. Kelly made more excuses. Fully expected.

You know what topic wasn't covered? His vile statements about Rep. Frederica Wilson. And yet again, the media misses yet another opportunity to shed light on the truly vile aspects of these officials.

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