Manufactured Crisis At Fox: 'Leftists Are Against The Pledge!'

Pete Hegseth continues the Fox News tradition of making up an artificial "attack on our values," this time using kids as props. Disgusting.

There's a long tradition on Fox News of creating some sort of "attack on our values" nonsense to make it seem as if bad libruls are taking away "our" Christmas/flag/freedom/gas guzzler and "we" have to fight back!

In the middle of the Trump Shutdown it's especially important to create outrage among the idiots still watching Fox News in the age of Trump Russia.

So here's Pete Hegseth, impelling on-air child props to say the Pledge of Allegiance, then gets this ahole James Robbins on to explain how the left is being mean to the country and doesn't love Murica.

Many do NOT, Pete? Name ONE. This is utter BS.

As of this writing, there are over 122 replies to this tweet, most of them noting that the writer's school district says the pledge.

This "OMG kids are becoming leftists without reciting a nationalistic chant!" is a right-wing meme that gets all the Right people distracted from Donald Trump's inability to govern.

And their "coverage" of this issue is presented with no understanding of the pledge's origin or meaning.

Does Pete know it was originally written by a SOCIALIST? And one purpose of the pledge is to welcome IMMIGRANTS into our national family?

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