Meanwhile, On Fox News...
What will obviously be a regular check-in on how Fox News is failing to distract their audience from the downfall of the Trump "Administration."

So how did State TV avoid the impending downfall of so-called "President" Trump last night?
Tucker opened his show with the argument that Trump is the victim of blackmail.
Then it was on to "What About Obama" with Mark Steyn:
Hannity picked up the pace with Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!
Then an exclusive marshmallow interview with Jared Kushner, zero mention of his financial ties to Crown Prince Bone Saw:
Laura Ingraham, as usual, had almost a full hour of "programming" due to her lack of advertisers.
Good thing those Lame Duck Republicans were able to haul Comey in for the purpose of providing programming to Fox. Same as ever. Followed by how dare anyone criticize a black Heisman trophy winner for homophobic tweets, and she had Glenn Greenwald on for the "Even a liberal like Glenn Greenwald..." moment.
This has been your "Meanwhile, On Fox" report. Wait, did no one cover the "war on Christmas" last night? Oh ye of little faith!