Mick Mulvaney Looking For Pelosi And Schumer To Offer A 'Deal'

They hold power over both houses of Congress and want Democrats to "help"?

Everyone in the White House thinks Fox News viewers are a special kind of stupid.

Case in point: Mick Mulvaney telling Fox and Friends that the problem with the Trump Shutdown is that no one can find Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer to "make a deal."

MICK MULVANEY: It still strikes me very unusual that the Democrats did not provide a counteroffer to our last discussion. They simply left town. The president is here. The president canceled his plans. Where areChuck Schumer, where are Nancy Pelosi? They’re not talking now. They won’t until after the new Congress is sworn in.

Dude, your party has majorities in both houses. The House passed a spending bill. Trump is the one pitching a fit over funding for his stupid wall. He said he'd take the mantle if the government shut down. It's all cover for the scam he pulled during the election.

And Trump had a deal with "Nancy and Chuck" over wall funding in exchange for DACA, but blew that up ...

It's clear who is pulling the strings when you're negotiating with Trump:

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