Cohen Memos: Ongoing Russian Contacts Through 2018 On Moscow Project

Cohen told Robert Mueller of more contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians than were previously known.

Special prosecutor Robert Mueller's office filed the sentencing recommendation for Michael Cohen late this afternoon. He does not recommend jail time -- but the sentencing memo from the Southern District of New York, filed in the same hour, does recommend a "substantial" prison term for Cohen.

Here's the actual Mueller filing:

He appears to be talking about Felix Sater here:

(The SDNY sentencing memo says Cohen did not take Sater up on his offer because he was already working on the Moscow Project with someone else who had contacts.) Here's the big bombshell from the SDNY filing:

It seems likely Cohen will get an estimated four-year sentence, according to federal prosecutors. Via the New York Times:

In a lengthy memo to the judge, William H. Pauley III, prosecutors wrote that Mr. Cohen was motivated by “personal greed” and had a “rose-colored view of the seriousness of the crimes.

They once again emphasized that Mr. Cohen had implicated the president in his guilty plea, writing that Mr. Cohen “played a central role” in a scheme to purchase the silence of two women who claimed to have affairs with Mr. Trump, so they would not speak publicly during the 2016 presidential campaign.

“Cohen himself has now admitted, with respect to both payments, he acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1,” the prosecutors wrote. “Individual-1” is how Mr. Trump is referred to in the document.

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