Phew, 2018 Has Been Quite The Year!

2018 has been a year filled with ups and downs, both personally and professionally. Here is my "thank you" list.

I am not one for public displays of feelings. My twitter feed (@redpainter1) is 90% political snark, 8% tweets about my son, who I refer to by his age (he is currently known by his alter ego, 11) and 2% emotional stuff. I am going to write a little post outlining some of the wonderful things that I want to remember from 2018 and I promise, it will be a Hair Fuhrer free post.

First of all, my wonderful family. Obviously, 11 is my pride and joy, my heart beating outside my body, the reason for my sleepless nights, heartburn, grey hair and purpose for living. My parents, for putting up with me for all those teenage years, which I now realize I owe them a huge apology for, and for allowing me to always say what I feel without fear of judgment. My way younger siblings, who are unique and special and brilliant and will save the world from the doom that us oldsters have set in motion.

Second, my adopted family here at Crooks and Liars. From the editors to my fellow writers to our tech guru, Jamie. And yes, even you Capper. I love you all and am so grateful every day that you took a chance on someone who had literally never written a thing. These last 3 years have flown by and I don't know if I would have made it through this horrific political time without you guys to snark with, cry with and be inspired by.

Finally, twitter and all the joy that it has brought me. From Knickers, the Giant Cow to the viral video of a gift wrapped cat to this ridiculous budget for a 25-year old. Twitter also keeps me up on news, even if I am desperate for a break.

I would also be remiss if I didn't thank you, the readers, and my friends and followers on twitter. I still have zero idea why anyone pays attention to my snarky articles or my ridiculous posts, but you guys have made me look cool to my son, so THANK YOU. Seriously, he tells his friends that his Mom is "friends with politicians and 'news people' and gets to go to parties (not really) and it is funny because she is kind of just a boring mom who makes me sandwiches and does laundry."

Wishing all of you a happy and healthy holiday and a wonderful new year! Let's hope that 2019 starts off with a bang when the "real adults" take over in DC.

Red :)

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