Scarborough Tells The Story Of President Bone Spurs Vs. Bob Mueller
This story tells you something about one man's drive to serve his country. Here's a clue: It wasn't Trump.
Joe Scarborough really enjoyed talking about Donald Trump's bone spurs -- especially when he got to compare Trump's deferment to Bob Mueller's medical history.
"I really don't know how the president endured that. Keep that sound bite in mind when we tell you this next story. There are new claims about President Trump's mysterious 1968 diagnosis of bone spurs. Now, of course, those bone spurs got him out of military service during the Vietnam war.
"The family of a now-deceased foot doctor who rented his office in Queens from the president's father, Fred Trump, is telling the New York Times that he often told the story of coming to Donald Trump's aid. The podiatrist, Larry Braunstein, died in 2007, but his daughters say that their father often told them the story of how they came to the aid of a young Mr. Trump during the Vietnam war as a favor to Donald Trump's father. No paper evidence has been found to help corroborate described by the events of the two daughters, who are Democrats and who dislike Donald Trump, and he also suggested there was involvement by a second podiatrist that moved into the Donald Trump apartment the same year the future president was diagnosed with his bone spurs.
REPORTER: why did you not serve in the Vietnam war?
TRUMP: because I was going to college, I had student deferments and ultimately had a medical deferment because of my feet. I had a bone spur.
REPORTER: Which foot did you have bone spur in?
TRUMP: You'll look it up in the records. I don't know. It's in the records.
"Two years before being diagnosed with those bone spurs, Selective Service records show that Donald Trump had undergone a physical exam and, get this, he had been declared available for service. Trump's deferments at the time were for college. during which time he played football with those bone spurs, tennis with those bone spurs, and of course, squash with those bone spurs. The White House has not commented.
"Now on the other hand, Robert Mueller, who like Donald Trump, was a wealthy, Ivy League student in the 1960s, had a little different experience. as Wired magazine reported earlier this year, director Mueller underwent his physical at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. His years of intense athletics, including hockey and lacrosse, had left him with a banged-up, injured knee. The military declared that it would need to heal before he would be allowed to deploy to Vietnam," Scarborough said.
"Well, once his knee did heal, after years of rehab, Mueller went back to the military doctors. in 1967, just before Donald Trump received his own medical deferment for heel spurs, Mueller started officer candidate school at Quantico, Virginia. And the rest, as they say, is history."
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