Stephanie Ruhle Begs Fox To Stop Airing Ann Coulter

MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle tweeted a plea to Fox News to stop airing Ann Coulter's hate speech.

While Fox News regularly starts feuds with their more fact-based counterparts CNN and MSNBC, it's rare that the on-air talent for a non-Fox network will call out Fox by name for their hate speech and lies.

And Stephanie Ruhle's tweet this morning does seem more in sorrow than in anger:

Ann Coulter loves any attention she can get. Multiple people on Twitter noted that a party made up of "Muslims and the Jews and the various exotic sexual groups and the black church ladies with the college queers" is exactly the party they want to join, and others noted that white and straight men attended the Women's March as allies and why didn't Ann notice?

Should Stephanie take her sincere anguish regarding Ann Coulter's hate speech on the air? Mika Brzezinski has pointed out that any mention of her on the air feeds the beast:

And it's not like we can go after Ingraham's advertisers, heh. Most of them left as Ingraham pushed what is not Politifact's lie of the year for 2018:

And they haven't come back. Perhaps that's why Ingraham gets the Ann Coulter placement.

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