BOMBSHELL: FBI Started Investigating Whether Trump Is Working On Behalf Of Russia Days After He Fired Comey

People have speculated for literally years whether Donald Trump is actually a Russian asset (willing or unwilling) who has been implanted in the White House - now we have proof that the FBI has been investigating this very idea.

People have long speculated that Donald Trump has been cultivated by Russia for decades, and has been either a witting or unwitting asset implanted in the White House for one sole purpose: to destroy American institutions from the inside out, thereby eroding relationships with our allies, while simultaneously allowing our enemies to strengthen their relationships and power across the world.

Well, it appears that the FBI was so concerned by Trump's actions and words that they opened an investigation into this very topic just *days* after Trump fired James Comey. The New York Times is reporting that the FBI was so concerned by the Trump's behavior that they "began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests."

Let that sink in. They began investigating a newly installed President to see if he was working against America...AND FOR RUSSIA.

Their concerns were to determine whether "[his] actions constituted a possible threat to national security" and whether he "was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence." They also were looking into the criminal aspect of the firing of Comey.

Even more alarming in the article is new reporting regarding the FBI's concerns DURING the campaign season, where they had "grown suspicious" of his ties to Russia. Too bad they didn't find time to say anything to us while holding numerous press conference about EMAILS.

Mueller has taken over investigating election interference, obstruction, and a variety of other topics, but it is unclear if he is also in charge of the counterintelligence portion or if that is still being investigated separately by the FBI.

The FBI and a spokesperson for Robert Mueller's office didn't comment on this story, of course.

So what made the FBI decide to open an investigation so quickly? It was a comment Trump made to Russian officials who were photographed in the Oval Office just a few days after he fired Comey. He said: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

I wonder what kind of tweets Hair Fuhrer will fire off tomorrow:

"No collussion! I am not a Russian Spi. I do not know Russians. It is a WITCH HUNT! Build the Wall! SAD!"

Sarah Slanders gave this panicky sounding non-denial statement:

Twitter had thoughts:

Will the Republicans even care if it is true, though? Probably not. But can you imagine if the a few details were changed and the FBI was investigating whether Obama was a secret Muslim working for Iran?

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