FL Secretary Of State Mike Ertel Resigns After Blackface Photos Emerge
Mike Ertel thought it would be funny to dress up in blackface for Halloween after Hurricane Katrina 14 years ago. Those photos just cost him the Secretary of State job.
When will these idiots learn that dressing up in blackface for Halloween or sporting events or just for fun is NEVER EVER EVER OK? It is 2019, guys. And guess what? Rob Desantis' new Secretary of State, Mike Ertel, had to resign after despicable photos of him dressed in full blackface from a Halloween party came out. Oh, and even better - the blackface was made worse because he was dressed as a Hurricane Katrina victim.
Yes, he was mocking a Hurricane victim. In blackface.
The photo was taken in 2005, just after he was appointed Seminole County Supervisor of Elections!!! And just two months after Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans.
Tallahassee.com reports that in the photo, Ertel was "in blackface and red lipstick, wearing earrings and a New Orleans Saints bandanna, and falsies under a purple T-shirt that had 'Katrina Victim' written on it."
Following Ertel's resignation, Desantis issued a six word statement: "The governor accepted Secretary Ertel's resignation."