Republican Congressman Insists Pelosi Learn Her Place

A Republican Congressman argues that Nancy Pelosi needs to understand she is not equal to the president. Um, the separation of powers would argue against you there, Mike.

Speaking with Wolf Blitzer about the Trump shutdown and southern border wall tantrums, Representative Mike Turner (R-OH) suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "needs to come to some recognition that she's not equal to the President."

Wow. Just wow.

I highly doubt Mike believed that when Obama was president and the speaker was a white Republican male. Oh wait, Mike Turner entered Congress as part of that Class of 2010 Tea Party Death Panel Wave. That explains a lot. White males elected to Congress for the first time in 2010 are a particular kind of stupid, almost to a man. But I digress.

[h/t to commenter Pocotello: Turner was first elected in 2003 and is from an R+4 district including Dayton.]

Kudos to Wolf Blitzer for setting him straight. "She's not equal to the President ... but the legislative branch of the U.S. government is equal to the executive branch and they are both equal to the judicial branch."

And CONGRESS HOLDS THE PURSE STRINGS, doofus. What have you been DOING there for the past nine years?

For someone who has the privilege of serving in the Congress and representing the voters of the 10th District in Ohio, Mike Turner appears to have no stinking idea about his job description or the governmental body to which he has been serving for almost a decade.


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