Howard Schultz Wouldn't Know A Box Of Cheerios If It Smacked Him In The Face

Who's shocked to learn another Republican-lite billionaire can't relate to the rest of us?

Another adorable moment brought to you by the happy couple who paved the way for Donald Jesus Jumpin Jehosephats Trump to steal the White House. Let's just legitimize this next awful billionaire who hates poor people and thinks they don't deserve health care and who thinks it 70% tax rates on those who make more than $100 mil is the height of injustice.

On Morning Joe, Mika came up with a real GOTCHYA for Howard Schultz - the man who thinks we all deserve another four years of Dysentary Don.

MIKA: How much does an 18-ounce box of Cheerios cost? (Ooooo. #journalism)

HOWIE: I don't... I don't... I don't EAT Cheerios...


Let's just hop on over to see what the Twitterverse has to say about this.

A quick look at who is coming to his defense is telling...

Dana Loesch - Trump-loving gun prostyletizer and hater of liberals:

Ben Shapiro - Trump-loving Conservative anti-choice Jew who thinks Hitler should have lived:

To be fair, lots of people of all stripes commented that this was a sh*t question, and that many of them have no clue what a box of Cheerios cost because they simply throw stuff in the cart and budget by the whole amount, and that it's extremely unlikely either Mika or Joe ever themselves bought a box of cereal. I get that, but truly. Schultz is running for PRESIDENT, people. He needs to show he is in touch with the rest of us serfs and commoners, just like Donald Trump did...

Oh. Wait. Never mind.

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