Jerome Corsi Claims He Knew About Stolen Emails Because He Has Psychic-like 'Ability'

The man who claimed he KNEW Barack Obama was born in Kenya claims a remarkable level of cognition.

Trump confidante and longtime conservative muckraker Jerome Corsi on Sunday insisted that he knew that WikiLeaks had stolen Democratic emails because of his psychic-like power of deduction -- and not because he had contacts with the Russia-connected organization.

"Stone e-mailed you asking you to, quote, get the pending Wikileaks e-mails that could have damaging information about Hillary Clinton," CNN's Jake Tapper reminded Corsi in a Sunday interview. "You replied a week later saying, quote, word is friend in embassy, that’s [WikiLeaks found Julian Assange], plans two more dumps."

"I don’t need to tell you, prosecutors do not believe that you conjured this information," Tapper continued. "Why don’t you be honest with the American people right now about where it came from?"

"This was really the subject of the last 20 hours of my 40-hour voluntary interviews with the special counselor," Corsi replied. "I made an honest effort to go through everything I was in communication with in 2016. To see if there was anybody directly or indirectly providing me information from WikiLeaks."

"I’m concluding that my recollection is correct," he added. "Namely, that I did just connect the dots and figure it out on my own. And I admit, that’s hard to accept. People are going to have a hard time understanding that. But throughout my life, I have been having this ability, deductively or inductively to really understand situations and, remarkably, often I’m correct."

Corsi repeated the claim later in the interview.

"I believe figured out that Assange had [John Podesta's] e-mails," he opined. "I did tell this not only to Roger but to others. And it turned out that I was right. Now that was deduction on my part as best I can remember. Putting together the dots. But I felt like that should have been valuable information, just that I figured it out."

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